Results for 'Claudio Benjamin Naranjo'

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  1.  30
    The Patriarchal Mind as the Ignored Root of Interpersonal and Social Pathologies.Claudio Benjamin Naranjo - 2018 - World Futures 74 (3):135-157.
    The article begins with an integrative theory of neurosis and with the notion of the “patriarchal mind,” which I conceive as the psycho-social foundation of what we call “civilisation” and proceed to characterize as a despotic and repressive activity of the father on the mother and on the child in the family, and also of an analogous relation between the intellect on the emotional and on the instinctual sub-selves in the individual mind. Next, I propose that patriarchy entails four interrelated (...)
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    Changing education to change the world: a new vision of schooling.Claudio Naranjo - 2016 - Nevada City, California: Gateways Books and Tapes.
    In this sequel to Healing Civilization, Dr. Naranjo addresses the cultural and ecological crisis of the 21st Century. He reviews a number of theories and approaches to bettering society and advocates, in particular, the innovation of making the educational system more ethically and spiritually directed--more inner directed than devoted to sustaining current economic or cultural models for society. Naranjo examines the relationship between past historical eras and cultural progress and the growth and development of the individual child from (...)
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    Health mental services within educational process.Ximena Cecilia Macaya Sandoval, Claudio Enrique Bustos Navarrete, Silverio Segundo Torres Pérez, Pablo Andrés Vergara-Barra & Benjamín de la Cruz Vicente Parada - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):47-64.
    RESUMEN Introducción: Son escasos los servicios en salud mental dentro del contexto escolar que permitan una integración intersectorial para superar la brecha de falta de asistencia en salud mental en la población infanto - juvenil, aun cuando, es en la escuela donde se detectan mayoritariamente los problemas de salud mental. Objetivo: Comentar el uso de servicios de salud mental en el ambiente escolar en relación con los trastornos mentales y trastornos subumbrales. Método: El presente resultado se obtiene a partir del (...)
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    Naranjo, Claudio. The Enneagram of Society: Healing the Soul to Heal the World.Jocelyn Chapman - 2014 - World Futures 70 (2):157-160.
    (2014). Naranjo, Claudio. The Enneagram of Society: Healing the Soul to Heal the World. World Futures: Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 157-160.
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    Caos e Redenção.Luis Cláudio Dallier Saldanha - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    Análise de aspectos do messianismo judaico no pensamento de Benjamin a partir da temática do caos e da redenção. Abordagem do conceito de história, crítica ao progresso, perda da experiência na modernidade e aspectos da linguagem em Benjamin desde a perspectiva das afinidades eletivas entre messianismo e utopia libertária.
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    Magris Likes it Bad? Reflections on Ethics in a European Perspective.Simone Rebora - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (7-8):744-758.
    This essay examines Claudio Magris’s literary production from the point of view of European normative ethics by drawing on recently-proposed theories of negative empathy and the hybrid hero. A brief overview of Magris’s narratives and characters—from Illazioni su una sciabola (1985) (Inferences from a Sabre, 1991) to Croce del Sud) [Southern cross] (2020)—shows his peculiar interpretation of such theories and how he repurposes them for ethical goals. This is followed by a close reading of Un altro mare (1991) (A (...)
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    Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science.Stanislav Grof & Marjorie Livingston Valier (eds.) - 1984 - Albany: Suny Press.
    Recent advances in a variety of scientific disciplines have revealed the limitations of the Newtonian-Cartesian model of the universe. One of the interesting aspects of this development is the increasing convergence of science and the "perennial philosophy." The new research has led to a critical revaluation of ancient spiritual systems long ignored or rejected because of their assumed incompatibility with science. Here are Swami Muktananda on the mind. Swami Prajnananda on Karma. Swami Kripananda on the Kundalini. Ajit Mookerjee on the (...)
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    Cognitive Semiotics: Integrating Signs, Minds, Meaning and Cognition.Claudio Paolucci - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume serves as a reference on the field of cognitive semantics. It offers a systematic and original discussion of the issues at the core of the debate in semiotics and the cognitive sciences. It takes into account the problems of representation, the nature of mind, the structure of perception, beliefs associated with habits, social cognition, autism, intersubjectivity and subjectivity. The chapters in this volume present the foundation of semiotics as a theory of cognition, offer a semiotic model of cognitive (...)
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  9. Quantum indeterminacy.Claudio Calosi & Cristian Mariani - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (4):e12731.
    This paper explores quantum indeterminacy, as it is operative in the failure of value‐definiteness for quantum observables. It first addresses questions about its existence, its nature, and its relations to extant quantum interpretations. Then, it provides a critical discussions of the main accounts of quantum indeterminacy.
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  10. Graded Qualities.Claudio Calosi & Robert Michels - forthcoming - Synthese.
    The idea that qualities can be had partly or to an intermediate degree is controversial among contemporary metaphysicians, but also has a considerable pedigree among philosophers and scientists. In this paper, we first aim to show that metaphysical sense can be made of this idea by proposing a partial taxonomy of metaphysical accounts of graded qualities, focusing on three particular approaches: one which explicates having a quality to a degree in terms of having a property with an in-built degree, another (...)
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    Fragmentalism: Putting All the Pieces Together.Claudio Calosi, Samuele Iaquinto & Roberto Loss - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    According to perspectival realism, reality is (at least partially) constituted by “purely perspectival” facts, that is, facts that appear to describe reality only from a given “perspective”. Fragmentalism is a form of perspectival realism that maintains both that no perspective is privileged and that perspectival facts constitute reality absolutely. Assuming that reality is sufficiently variegated, fragmentalism entails that reality is absolutely constituted by incompatible facts. Given that incompatible facts can never obtain together, reality must be divided into a plurality of (...)
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  12.  17
    Of Jews and animals.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  13. AI as Legal Persons: Past, Patterns, and Prospects.Claudio Novelli, Luciano Floridi, Giovanni Sartor & Gunther Teubner - manuscript
    This paper examines the debate on AI legal personhood, emphasizing the role of path dependencies in shaping current trajectories and prospects. Three primary path dependencies emerge: prevailing legal theories on personhood (singularist vs. clustered), the actual participation of AI in socio-digital institutions (instrumental vs. non-instrumental), and the impact of technological advancements. We argue that these factors dynamically interact, with technological optimism fostering broader attribution of the legal entitlements to AI entities and periods of scepticism narrowing such entitlements. Additional influences include (...)
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  14. Digital Democracy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.Claudio Novelli & Giulia Sandri - manuscript
    This chapter explores the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on digital democracy, focusing on four main areas: citizenship, participation, representation, and the public sphere. It traces the evolution from electronic to virtual and network democracy, underscoring how each stage has broadened democratic engagement through technology. Focusing on digital citizenship, the chapter examines how AI can improve online engagement while posing privacy risks and fostering identity stereotyping. Regarding political participation, it highlights AI's dual role in mobilising civic actions and spreading misinformation. (...)
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  15. Smelling matter.Benjamin D. Young - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (4):1-18.
    While the objects of olfaction are intuitively individuated by reference to the ordinary objects from which they arise, this intuition does not accurately capture the complex nature of smells. Smells are neither ordinary three-dimensional objects, nor Platonic vapors, nor odors. Rather, smells are the molecular structures of chemical compounds within odor plumes. Molecular Structure Theory is offered as an account of smells, which can explain the nature of the external object of olfactory perception, what we experience as olfactory objects, and (...)
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  16. L’Artificial Intelligence Act Europeo: alcune questioni di implementazione.Claudio Novelli - 2024 - Federalismi 2:95-113.
    L’articolo esamina la proposta europea di regolamento sull’intelligenza artificiale, AI Act (AIA). In particolare, esamina il modello di analisi e valutazione del rischio dei sistemi di IA. L’articolo identifica tre potenziali problemi di implementazione del regolamento: (1) la predeterminazione dei livelli di rischio, (2) la genericità del giudizio di significatività del rischio e (3) l’indeterminatezza della valutazione sull’impatto dei diritti fondamentali. Il saggio suggeriscealcune soluzioni per affrontare questi tre problemi.
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  17. Smelling Phenomenal.Benjamin D. Young - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:71431.
    Qualitative-consciousness arises at the sensory level of olfactory processing and pervades our experience of smells to the extent that qualitative character is maintained whenever we are aware of undergoing an olfactory experience. Building upon the distinction between Access and Phenomenal Consciousness the paper offers a nuanced distinction between Awareness and Qualitative-consciousness that is applicable to olfaction in a manner that is conceptual precise and empirically viable. Mounting empirical research is offered substantiating the applicability of the distinction to olfaction and showing (...)
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  18. The Nature and Design of Q, the Second Synoptic Source.Benjamin Wiser Bacon - 1923 - Hibbert Journal 22:688.
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  19. Human Rights and Caribbean Philosophy: Implications for Teaching.Benjamin Davis - 2021 - Journal of Human Rights Practice 12 (4).
    This note on human rights practice observes that some pedagogical methods in human rights education can have the effect of making human rights violations both seem to be performed by abnormal, bad actors and seem to occur in places far away from US classrooms. This effect is not intended by instructors; a methodological corrective would be helpful to human rights education. This note provides a corrective by suggesting two practices: (1) a pedagogical emphasis on what the Martinican philosopher Édouard Glissant (...)
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    Thomas of Vio (Cajetan).Benjamin Hill - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1295--1300.
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    Is Justice Good for Your Sleep? (And therefore, Good for Your Health?).Benjamin Hale - 2009 - Social Theory and Health 7 (4):354-370.
    In this paper, we present an argument strengthening the view of Norman Daniels, Bruce Kennedy and Ichiro Kawachi that justice is good for one's health. We argue that the pathways through which social factors produce inequalities in sleep more strongly imply a unidirectional and non-voluntary causality than with most other public health issues. Specifically, we argue against the 'voluntarism objection' – an objection that suggests that adverse public health outcomes can be traced back to the free and voluntary choices of (...)
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  22.  37
    Relational Quantum Mechanics at the Crossroads.Claudio Calosi & Timotheus Riedel - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (6):1-24.
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    Porphyrii De vita Plotini et ordine librorum eius.Giacomo Leopardi, Claudio Porphyry & Moreschini - 1982 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki. Edited by Claudio Moreschini & Porphyry.
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  24. Pluralities, Collectives, and Composites.Claudio Masolo, Laure Vieu, Stefano Borgo, Roberta Ferrario & Daniele Porello - 2020 - In Boyan Brodaric & Fabian Neuhaus (eds.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, {FOIS} 2020, Cancelled / Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, September 14-17, 2020. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 330. pp. 186-200.
    Forests, cars and orchestras are very different ontological entities, and yet very similar in some aspects. The relationships they have with the elements they are composed of is often assumed to be reducible to standard ontological relations, like parthood and constitution, but how this could be done is still debated. This paper sheds light on the issue starting from a linguistic and philosophical analysis aimed at understanding notions like plurality, collective and composite, and propos- ing a formal approach to characterise (...)
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    Cantor's Abstractionism and Hume's Principle.Claudio Ternullo & Luca Zanetti - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (3):284-300.
    Richard Kimberly Heck and Paolo Mancosu have claimed that the possibility of non-Cantorian assignments of cardinalities to infinite concepts shows that Hume's Principle (HP) is not implicit in the concept of cardinal number. Neologicism would therefore be threatened by the ‘good company' HP is kept by such alternative assignments. In his review of Mancosu's book, Bob Hale argues, however, that ‘getting different numerosities for different countable infinite collections depends on taking the groups in a certain order – but it is (...)
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  26. Formative Non-Conceptual Content.Benjamin D. Young - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (5-6):201-214.
    The olfactory system processes smells in a structural manner that is unlike the composition of thoughts or language, suggesting that some of the content of our olfactory experiences are represented in a format that does not involve concepts. Consequently, formative non-conceptual content is offered as an alternative theory of non-conceptual content according to which the difference between conceptual and non-conceptual states is simply a matter of the format of their structural parts and relations within a system of representations. Aside from (...)
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    Zur Kritik der Gewalt und andere Aufsätze.Walter Benjamin - 1965 - [Frankfurt am Main]: Suhrkamp. Edited by Herbert Marcuse.
    uber das Programm der kommenden Philosophie. ZUr Kritik der Gewalt. SChicksal und Charakter. GEschichtsphilosophische Thesen. THeologisch-politisches Fragment.
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    In Defense of Sophisticated Theories of Welfare.Benjamin Yelle - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1409-1418.
    “Sophisticated” theories of welfare face two potentially devastating criticisms. They are based upon two claims: that theories of welfare should be tested for what they imply about newborn infants and that even if a theory of welfare is intended to apply only to adults, we might still have sufficient reason to reject it because it implies an implausible divergence between adult and neonatal welfare. It has been argued we ought reject sophisticated theories of welfare because they have significantly counterintuitive implications (...)
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    Challenging cases in clinical research ethics.Benjamin Wilfond, Liza-Marie Johnson, Devan M. Duenas & Holly Taylor (eds.) - 2023 - London: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Clinical research ethics consultation has emerged in the last 15 years as a service to those involved in the conduct of clinical research who face challenging issues for which more than one course of action may be justified. To respond to a growing field and need for opportunities to share knowledge and experience, the Clinical Research Ethics Consultation Collaborative, established in 2014, holds monthly webinars for its 90 members to present their most challenging cases to each other and engage in (...)
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    On Orient and Occident in Max Weber.Benjamin Nelson - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43.
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    Pre- and poststimulus alpha rhythms are related to conscious visual perception: A high-resolution EEC study.Claudio Babiloni, Fabrizio Vecchio, Alessandro Bultrini, Gian Luca Romani & Paolo Maria Rossini - 2006 - Cerebral Cortex 16 (12):1690-1700.
  32. The beginning of Melissus' On Nature or On What-Is: a reconstruction.Benjamin Harriman - 2015 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 135:19-34.
  33.  26
    The Lyotard Reader.Andrew Benjamin (ed.) - 1991 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Jean-Francois Lyotard was one of the founding members of the College Internationale de philosophie. Ha has taught at Vincennes, Saint Denis and is currently Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at Irvine. Several of his books have appeared in English, notable The Postmodern Condition, Just Gaming and The Dirrerend. The Lyotard Reader is a collection of Jean-Francois Lyotard's most important and significant papers to date. While they are all written from within philosophy, they seek to address subjects as (...)
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    (1 other version)Doubt and indifference : threshold conditions within the work of art.Andrew Benjamin - forthcoming - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell'estetico 12 (1).
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    There Are No Saints.Claudio Calosi - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (1):30-49.
    Multilocation – the notion of an object being 18756735_00000147_text.pdfat two places – is a central notion in metaphysics. According to a widespread view, multilocation is problematic but metaphysically possible. In effect, it has been claimed that in a quantum world, multilocation is not simply possible but actual. This article provides a new argument against the latter claim: there is no quantum multilocation.
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  36. Disclosing Spaces: On Painting.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  37. Dibattito: Interventi di: Guido Guglielmi, Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue, Franco Rella, Claudio Vicentini, Luigi Russo.Guido Guglielmi, Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue, Franco Rella, Claudio Vicentini & Luigi Russo - 1983 - Studi di Estetica 2:42-60.
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    Power and Authority in Pufendorf.Benjamin J. Bruxvoort Lipscomb - 2005 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 22 (3):201 - 219.
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    (1 other version)On the Contingency of Universalism.Claudio Calosi - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1-15.
    The paper presents different arguments against the necessity of mereological universalism. First, it argues that they are examples of a much more general argumentative structure. It then contends that some of these arguments cannot be resisted by distinguishing different variants of universalism that have been recently proposed in the literature—in contrast with recent suggestions to the contrary. Finally, it provides different ways to resist such contingentist arguments on behalf of universalists.
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  40. To the “Things Themselves”: Heidegger, the Baden School, and Religion.Benjamin D. Crowe - 2011 - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 6 (1):127-146.
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    Mental defect and prostitution.Benjamin Malzberg - 1920 - The Eugenics Review 12 (2):100.
  42. Die moderne Weltanschauung und der Mensch.Benjamin Vetter - 1895 - The Monist 6:123.
  43. Challenge eternal.Benjamin Francis Weems - 1955 - New York,: Dodd, Mead.
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    “Psyosphere”: A GPS Data-Analysing Tool for the Behavioural Sciences.Benjamin Ziepert, Peter W. de Vries & Elze Ufkes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Positioning technologies, such as GPS are widespread in society but are used only sparingly in behavioural science research, e.g., because processing positioning technology data can be cumbersome. The current work attempts to unlock positioning technology potential for behavioural science studies by developing and testing a research tool to analyse GPS tracks. This tool—psyosphere—is published as open-source software, and aims to extract behaviours from GPSs data that are more germane to behavioural research. Two field experiments were conducted to test application of (...)
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    Automating Business Process Compliance for the EU AI Act.Claudio Novelli, Guido Governatori & Antonino Rotolo - 2023 - In Giovanni Sileno, Jerry Spanakis & Gijs van Dijck (eds.), Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. Proceedings of JURIX 2023. IOS Press. pp. 125-130.
    The EU AI Act is the first step toward a comprehensive legal framework for AI. It introduces provisions for AI systems based on their risk levels in relation to fundamental rights. Providers of AI systems must conduct Conformity Assessments before market placement. Recent amendments added Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments for high-risk AI system users, focusing on compliance with EU and national laws, fundamental rights, and potential impacts on EU values. The paper suggests that automating business process compliance can help standardize (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Law and Cinema.Benjamín Rivaya García - 2009 - Rechtstheorie 40 (1):125-147.
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  47. John Dewey e Aldous Huxley: o admirável e o impensável na formação social da mentalidade.José Cláudio Matos - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (3):78-96.
    Este trabalho discute a formação da mentalidade individual, por meio de uma reflexão comparativa entre Democracia e educação, de John Dewey, e Admirável mundo novo, de Aldous Huxley. O texto literário permite um diálogo e uma leitura em face do texto filosófico, que o caracteriza como campo para a realização de um experimento de pensamento. Esse experimento é a discussão do valor atribuído por Dewey ao crescimento individual e ao social, em contraposição ao valor encontrado na narrativa de Huxley, da (...)
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    McCloskey's rhetoric: discourse ethics in economics.Benjamin Balak - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Deirdre McCloskey is rightly one of the most recognizable names in economics. She views economics as a language that uses all the rhetorical devices of everyday conversation and therefore it should be judged by aesthetic and literary standards and not the criteria of mathematical rigor that is espoused by the mainstream. This controversial standpoint has been hugely influential and this examination of the methodological and philosophical consequences of her work is overdue, and very welcome.
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    Pluralities, Collectives, and Composites.Claudio Masolo, Laure Vieu, Stefano Borgo, Roberta Ferrario & Daniele Porello - 2020 - In Boyan Brodaric & Fabian Neuhaus (eds.), Formal Ontology in Information Systems - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, {FOIS} 2020, Cancelled / Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, September 14-17, 2020. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 330. pp. 186-200.
    Forests, cars and orchestras are very different ontological entities, and yet very similar in some aspects. The relationships they have with the elements they are composed of is often assumed to be reducible to standard ontological relations, like parthood and constitution, but how this could be done is still debated. This paper sheds light on the issue starting from a linguistic and philosophical analysis aimed at understanding notions like plurality, collective and composite, and propos- ing a formal approach to characterise (...)
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  50. Mortgagee's power of sale [Book Review].Benjamin Adams - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 228:41.
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